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Learn the fundamentals of 3D modeling, printing, and fabrication techniques to bring creative ideas to life. This program covers design software, prototyping, and production processes used in industries like manufacturing, engineering, and product design.
Master the art of sound recording, editing, and mixing for music, podcasts, and media production. Learn to work with industry-standard software and professional audio equipment to produce high-quality sound.
Develop skills in graphic design, digital illustration, and branding using Adobe Creative Suite, Corel Draw, and other industry tools. Perfect for artists looking to expand their creative expertise in digital and print media.
Gain hands-on experience in drone operation, aerial photography, and mapping technology. This program covers FAA regulations, drone flight techniques, and commercial applications in filmmaking, real estate, and surveying.
Explore the creative and technical aspects of fashion production, including embroidery, screen printing, vinyl cutting, and sublimation. Learn to design, source materials, and manufacture custom apparel. reclaiming community, only to have their efforts thwarted for someone else’s agenda.
Train in cinematography, directing, screenwriting, and video editing to create compelling film and TV projects. Work with professional cameras, lighting setups, and post-production software to develop storytelling techniques for digital media.
Receive financial support and training opportunities through grant-funded programs in media production, technology, and business development. Learn how to apply for grants and leverage funding for education and career advancement.
Focus on physical, mental, and emotional well-being through fitness training, nutrition, stress management, and mindfulness. This program promotes sustainable health practices to improve overall lifestyle and community well-being.
Learn how to develop, promote, and grow a brand using social media marketing, content creation, SEO, and advertising strategies. This course is ideal for entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketing professionals.
Gain skills in camera operation, lighting, composition, and photo editing to create high-quality images. Learn portrait, commercial, event, and storytelling photography techniques while building a professional portfolio.
Master audio recording, live broadcasting, and digital storytelling for podcasts and live-streamed content. Learn how to use professional microphones, recording software, and audience engagement strategies to grow an online presence.
Learn stage design, rigging safety, lighting installation, and event setup for concerts, theater productions, and live broadcasts. Gain technical expertise in stage construction, equipment handling, and event production management.
Interested in our programs? Whether you’re looking to enroll, volunteer, or partner with us, we’re here to help. Fill out the inquiry form, and our team will provide the information you need to take the next step in joining our mission to empower communities through technology and education.
Please provide your name, e-mail, program of interest, and any additional questions to begin our program registration. We typically respond within 24 hours.
Digi2U, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that works to prepare individuals for well-paid technology jobs and in-demand businesses through innovative training in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) learning and application that excites and inspires people.
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